Ecocide bill lodged in Scottish parliament


  • A bill to criminalise ecocide has been lodged in the Scottish Parliament

  • Introduced by Monica Lennon MSP and requiring the endorsement of at least 18 MSPs to proceed, the bill aims to prevent and criminalise the most severe forms of environmental harm. 

  • If passed, Scotland would become the first country in the UK to establish a domestic crime of ecocide and emerge as a global leader in the rapidly growing field of ecocide law.

Today (Tuesday, November 12, 2024), in Scotland, a proposal for a members’ bill has been lodged to introduce the crime of ecocide into Scots law. Spearheaded by Monica Lennon MSP for Central Scotland (Scottish Labour and Scottish Co-Op), the Ecocide (Prevention) (Scotland) Bill—which requires the endorsement of at least 18 MSPs to proceed—aims to prevent and criminalise severe environmental damage, including deforestation, water pollution, habitat degradation, and persecution of wildlife, including in cases involving corporate negligence.

If passed, Scotland would be the first country in the UK to recognise the crime of ecocide, which in 2021 was defined by an Independent Expert Panel as ‘unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment.’

A public consultation for the bill went live in November 2023 and received thousands of supportive responses, highlighting the broad coalition backing this cause. 

Jojo Mehta, Co-founder and CEO of Stop Ecocide International, said:

“After witnessing such an overwhelming public response during the consultation phase, it’s very welcome to see this bill advancing to the next stage of the legislative process. Scotland is shaping up to be a bold leader when it comes to ecocide legislation and a commitment to nature and all of us that rely on it.”

Professor Kate Mackintosh, Executive Director, UCLA Law Promise Institute Europe, said:

"Scotland is emerging as a true pioneer in ecocide law—a role that’s rightly drawing global attention.

I’m thrilled that Monica Lennon MSP is taking this forward. With a robust legal framework we can not only deter and punish the most egregious offences against nature but also safeguard the fundamental human rights that are inextricably linked to a healthy environment.”


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