Historic framework agreed to protect & restore nature… and ecocide law could keep it on track

The Stop Ecocide International team, along with host nation team Stop Ecocide Canada have returned from a busy fortnight in Montreal at COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

We welcome the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework that has been agreed, in particular the importance given to the knowledge, rights and practices of indigenous and local communities throughout the document, as well as acknowledgement of the rights of nature. 

Now comes the task of actually implementing what has been agreed.  To enable states and non-state actors to be able to do what this agreement says they need to action, putting in place the correct criminal law frameworks at the international level will be profoundly helpful.  Specifically, naming the worst harms to nature as crimes - ecocide - will provide an essential outer boundary and guardrail for economic activity and policy strategy.

See the Stop Ecocide Foundation’s official statement HERE - and shortly on the CBD website.


Triodos Bank calls for introduction of crime of ecocide at the International Criminal Court