Ecocide law: a better way to do business

Would you like to join the growing movement of businesses and financial institutions who recognise that their responsibility extends beyond the bottom line? 

Ecocide - mass damage and destruction of ecosystems - is at the root of the combined climate and ecological crisis we face today.

By supporting the recognition of the offence of ecocide in international law, businesses, financial institutions and their employees all around the world can play an active role in protecting people and planet. 

You can be part of this positive change.
Join a growing number of businesses and financial institutions calling on governments to join the international conversation and declare support for the adoption of ecocide law at the International Criminal Court (ICC) - to deliver a future and business environment that works in harmony with nature.

Business sector:

A unique opportunity.

By acting together now to hold those responsible for unlawful or wanton destructive practices to account, we can create better and fairer ways of doing business that are firmly supported by international legal frameworks.

Finance sector:

Playing a key role in what and how business is carried out.

Financial institutions have an unparalleled opportunity to help set a course for a future where business is carried out within natural limits, conserving the Earth and its resources for future generations.

Business and Finance open letter:

Play an active role in the protection of people and planet.

Join a growing number of businesses and financial institutions calling on governments to deliver a future and business environment that works in harmony with nature.

Endorsing businesses include:

The report is an authoritative assessment of the risks and opportunities of both negative and positive tipping points in the Earth system and society, including ecocide law.

Can ecocide law support business?  Can recognizing ecocide provide a legal safety rail to deter and prevent the worst harms while unlocking innovation?


Sue Miller

Head of Global Networks, Stop Ecocide International.


Sophie Dembinski

Business Adviser, Stop Ecocide International.
Head of Public Policy and UK Country Manager, Ecosia.