is a word to describe what is happening to our planet; the mass damage and destruction of the natural living world. It literally means “killing one’s home”.
And right now, in most of the world, no-one is held responsible.
It’s time to change the rules. It’s time to protect our home.
We are working, together with a growing global network of lawyers, diplomats, and across all sectors of civil society, towards making ecocide an international crime.
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Who we are
Dona Grace-Campbell
National Director and co-founder, Stop Ecocide Canada. Podcast for the Planet series Executive Producer, Writer and Director
Anna Clark
Youth Liaison, Stop Ecocide Canada
Paul Grace-Campbell
Podcast for the Planet Writer and Director, Canadian Board
Judy Green
Political Advisor, Stop Ecocide Canada. Director, Canadian Board
Jamie Hunter
Youth Co-Founder, Stop Ecocide Canada
Louise Romain
Member of the Canadian Board
Law and Policy Advisors
Lisa Oldring
Professor Darryl Robinson