Hello Friends! This is the first newsletter of the Stop Ecocide Canada campaign which is part of Stop Ecocide. We're excited to share with you the significant progress the campaign has made in such a short time.


Stop Ecocide is the global campaign to establish a law of ECOCIDE; making large-scale & systematic destruction of nature an international crime.

Will Ecocide becoming a crime actually change anything? Profoundly.

Criminalizing serious harm to nature is a simple but essential safeguard. Without it, the destruction is allowed to continue... and we already know where that is taking us. But put this law into place, and the future of life on Earth can be protected. We can steer a new course, towards a world that is safe, just, and thriving in harmony. Help us make this a reality.


Breaking News: A major step towards criminalization.

Top international lawyers to draft definition of "Ecocide" 75 years after Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide were coined at Nuremberg.

It’s an extraordinary moment to be launching this project as the first international trials are remembered at Nuremberg. 75 years on, humanity faces a new and global threat: climate and ecological crisis… and it’s time for recognition of a new international crime Read more here...

Sign the international petition here


The Canadian Campaign

Parliamentary Petition: MP Jenica Atwin (Fredericton, NB).  The petition, which received nearly 900 signatures in only a month, was presented before Parliament November 19th with a call to" support an International law criminalizing ecocide".

There is an ongoing paper petition campaign to urge Parliament to support a law of ecocide.  Why not print here and get everyone in your "bubble" to sign?  Then mail to MP Jenica Atwin (no postage required) House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6

We've met with MPs from across the political spectrum: Liberal, NDP, Conservative and Green.

We've met with the Offices of Justice, Global Affairs and Diplomats to the International Criminal Court.

Want to take action?

A Fun opportunity: Why not have a zoom party with your friend over wine, and take action? Use this template to write to your MP - no postage required to mail to Ottawa here.

Would you like to learn how a law of ecocide would work? We have wonderful speakers ready to give a Zoom presentation on this increasingly popular question. Invite your friends! contact@stopecocide.ca.


Canadian Team

Top to bottom, and left to right: Jamie Hunter Co-founder and Youth Organizing Lead, Louise Romain International Grassroots Outreach. Dona Grace-Campbell Co-founder campaign manager, Judy Green national campaign support and liason. Wa-ya Aeon social media.
Missing: Samantha Hall: Legal lead; Clarenz Salvador social media
With thanks to Alanna Morgan for her work on the newsletter.

Stop Ecocide Canada The team has expanded to provinces across the country from BC to Nova Scotia.


Join us for a three-part Webinar series early 2021

January 19th 3pm PST/6pm ET 'Crimes against nature through the lense of Indigenous sovereignty.'
Featuring Indigenous lawyers Robert Morales, Merle Alexander, Indigenous MP Leah Gazan and Jojo Mehta Co-founder Stop Ecocide International.

February 4, 5pm PST/8pm ET: Holding Knowledge: Reflections from elders, knowledge holders and culture keepers of how an international law of ecocide fits within traditional teachings, and how Indigenous knowledge can inform the campaign.

February 18,5pm PST/8pm ET: From the Grassroots to the Courts: how criminalizing ecocide can benefit frontline defenders.

Register for these webinars here


Are you a registered Federal Green Party Member?
Support for a law of Ecocide

Past Leadership candidate Dr. Amita Kuttner is sponsoring the following motion to the Green Party of Canada policy process:

"Support the passage of federal and international ecocide law that is oriented towards criminalizing human activity that substantially damages global ecosystems and its inhabitants. Ensure that enforcement of ecocide law is effectively outlined to ensure adequate reparations."

As a registered Federal Green Party member, please vote to make this part of the Party platform. This should be happening in early 2021, please keep an eye on their website for information.



Youth Movements Team Up!
Ecocide law is an exciting solution for youth.

Climate Strike Canada, the largest youth climate network in the country has just formed a powerful partnership with Stop Ecocide Canada. Also recently partnered is Fridays for Future Nelson (BC) whose focus for their November climate strike was "Ecocide".

If you’re a youth and want to join this exciting movement please contact Youth Organizing Lead Jamie Hunter at jamie.hunter@stopecocide.ca


Become an Earth Protector here

Mother Earth needs your help. Please pass this newsletter on to three or more of your friends.

To join our email list: contact@stopecocide.ca


Partnership and Endorsements

If you know of a group or influencer interested in supporting this important campaign, please contact: dona.grace-campbell@stopecocide.ca


If you are a lawyer, whether practising or academic, and interested, please contact: samantha.hall@stopecocide.ca and endorse here.

Earth Protectors from across Canada