In-person panel event In Montréal, Canada.
(A recording will be made available and shared after the event)
Venue: Hôtel ZERO 1, 1 René-Lévesque Est, Montréal, QC H2X 3Z5
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 (Local time Montréal)
Co-hosts: Stop Ecocide Foundation, Stop Ecocide International
While some businesses are setting an example in the transition towards sustainable and regenerative practices, it is difficult for true collective change to be implemented while finance continues to flow to projects that severely threaten the natural living world, as governments and regulatory authorities are failing to keep pace with delivering meaningful protection of vital ecosystems.
As a result, many companies are increasingly recognising their responsibility extends beyond the bottom line, and are calling for voluntary action to be upgraded into specific laws and standards.
By recognising ecocide at the International Criminal Court, key decision makers can be held to account. Acting as a powerful deterrent against mass destruction of the environment, such a law could create lasting protection for vital ecosystems and life on earth as well as justice for those most threatened. At the same time it would raise business standards, levelling the playing field and stabilising operational and reputational risk, rebalancing demand and accelerating corporate practice toward strategic positive change.