In person gathering and conversation at COP 27
Presenting the newly launched multi faith book ‘Faith Voices for Ecocide Law’
Date: 9th November
Time: 14.00 EET
Venue: Stop Ecocide Foundation pavilion P42
BOOK LAUNCH: Faith Voices for Ecocide Law
The Faith Voices for Ecocide Law book is a remarkable collection of texts from faith leaders of the world religions and indigenous wisdom keepers on the relationship between humans and nature. They each draw on the wisdom of their own tradition, yet the essence of their message is the same: to protect our common home, ecocide must become an international crime.
Some of the authors and team behind the book ,introduces this resource for faith communities.
is the Senior Advisor on Care for Creation, Sustainability, and Climate Justice at the World Council of Churches and the coordinator of the working group on climate change. He is ordained in Church of Sweden (Lutheran) and has worked as Officer in Sustainable Development at the national office of Church of Sweden for many years. Member of ECEN (European Christian Environmental Network) steering committee since 2005.
is a Sámi Noaidi, wisdom keeper. She grew up in Liikavaara, a village in the northern part of Sápmi, Sweden. She walks the Shamanic tradition of her ancestors’ heritage from Sápmi; the northern parts of Sweden, Russia and Finland.
Executive Director, GreenFaith. Co-founder of Shine and author of GreenFaith: Mobilizing God’s People to Protect the Earth.
Mindahi Bastida (Otomí-Toltec)
Director of the Original Nations Program of the Fountain, until July 2020 was the Director of the Original Caretakers Program, Center for Earth Ethics, Union Theological Seminary New York City, General Coordinator of the Otomi-Toltec Regional Council in Mexico, caretaker of the philosophy and traditions of the Otomi-Toltec peoples. He is consultant with UNESCO around Sacred Sites and Biocultural issues and for other UN programs.
President of GRABE-BENIN, geographer and naturalist, expert in Earth jurisprudence.
Find out more about Faith for Ecocide Law HERE
Faith for Ecocide Law is an interreligious coalition gathering religious and spiritual leaders and voices to express support for an international crime of Ecocide