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COP16 - official side event: “Ecocide Bills in Latin America”

COP16 official side event:
Ecocide: Bills in Latin America

The event will be in Spanish and will have simultaneous online translation into English. There will be simultaneous online broadcasting and recording of the event. A Zoom registration link will be available on this page in the coming weeks.

Date and time : October 23, time to be determined

Location : Green Zone

In this discussion, laws and draft laws that exist in Latin America will be discussed. Experts will explain how the legislative process has been in their respective countries, what opportunities and obstacles they have faced and, where appropriate, the adjustments that have been introduced at the domestic level to the definition proposed at the international level. 

Speakers will be from Argentina, which was a pioneer in drafting a bill adapting the international definition to Argentinian law; from Brazil, which was the first Latin American country to present a bill in Congress; from Peru, where three different bills have recently been presented to incorporate ecocide into its penal code; from Colombia, which has had an established crime of ecocide in its domestic legislation for years, but with a definition that is completely different from the international proposal and which is worded in a way that has caused it to receive no practical application; from Chile, which last year approved a law on economic and environmental crimes that incorporates cases comparable to ecocide.

Prior registration is not required, but we appreciate confirmation of attendance.

Note: Closer to the event date, you will be sent an email with the access link to the Zoom session.


  • Miguel Ángel Asturias - Argentina. Doctor in Criminal Law and Social Sciences. Professor of Criminal Law and Environmental Crime at the University of Belgrano.

  • Paulo Busse - Brazil. Criminal, environmental and human rights lawyer. Senior lawyer at Climate Counsel and one of the experts at the Ecocide Advice Centre. Founding member of LexCollective.

  • Ruth Luque - Peru. Member of Parliament and lawyer. Current president of the Commission on Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian Peoples, Environment and Ecology for the period 2023-2024 in the Peruvian Parliament.

  • Ana María Gómez - Colombia. Master in International Law and lawyer specializing in intercultural studies. Researcher at the International Center for Transitional Justice, within the framework of the Peace Agreement.

  • María Nora González - Chile . Lawyer, environmental specialist. Professor at the Legal Clinic of the University of Chile.


  • Rodrigo Lledó. Lawyer, Director of Stop Ecocide for the Americas and Vice President of Human Rights Without Borders (DHSF). Former director of the Baltasar Garzón International Foundation and member of the Panel of Independent Experts for the Legal Definition of Ecocide.

Organised by: Stop Ecocidio.

October 21

[ES] COP16 - official side event: “The Crime of ecocide post-peace agreements in Colombia"