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[ES] COP16 - official side event: “The Crime of ecocide post-peace agreements in Colombia"

COP16 official side event:
The crime of ecocide post-peace agreements in Colombia

This event will be held in Spanish and in person, and will be broadcast on social media.

Date and time : October 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (Colombia)
8 a.m. Mexico / 9 a.m. Ecuador, Panama / 10 a.m. Venezuela / 11 a.m. Argentina, Brazil / 4 p.m. United Kingdom / 4 p.m. Continental Europe

Location: Green Zone.

The legal framework for the protection of nature in Colombia will be discussed following the Peace Agreements, in particular the ecocide in Article 333 of the Penal Code, has been wrongly used to persecute small farmers, distorting the spirit and meaning of the crime of ecocide at an international level. 

The event is related to goals 1, 7, 11, 15 and 22 of the Kunming-Montreal Framework. Understanding ecocide as an international crime.

Prior registration is not required, but we appreciate confirmation of attendance:


  • Belkis Izquierdo - Aty Seikuinduwa , Judge of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, Arhuaca indigenous woman. A lawyer with a Master's Degree in Public Administration, she has dedicated herself to strengthening the rights of indigenous peoples and ethnic communities.

  • Danna Ramírez , a lawyer from the Universidad del Rosario, with a postgraduate degree in Constitutional Law from the Universidad Javeriana, is the technical coordinator of the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) office in Colombia. She was an advisor to the technical secretariat of the Commission for Monitoring, Promotion and Verification of the Implementation of the Final Peace Agreement of 2016.

  • Luis Antonio González Escobar , PhD in Environmental Sciences. University professor at the Universidad del Valle, the Universidad Santiago de Cali and the Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores. Recognized for designing the first university programs in Environmental Education in Latin America.

  • Jessica A. Martinez, Lawyer. Master in Nature Rights, co-founder of the Alliance for the Rights of Nature Colombia and member of Colombia without Ecocide.


  • Isis Álvarez , Biologist, MSc. Natural Resources and Environment Management, ecofeminist, has worked with various local and international NGOs; has been part of the UN civil society mechanism through co-facilitation of the UNEP Major Group of Women (2013-2019) & SDGs (2014-2016). Member of Colombia without ecocide.

Organised by: Colombia Without Ecocide Group - Bogotá.

September 30

Ecocide Law and Financial Responsibility: Uniting for a Safe and Regenerative Future

October 23

COP16 - official side event: “Ecocide Bills in Latin America”