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Crimes against Nature through the lens of Indigenous Sovereignty

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Crimes against Nature through the lens of Indigenous Sovereignty

Tuesday January 19th
3 pm PST | 6 pm ET




Coast Salish lawyer Robert Morales has appeared in all levels of court including the Supreme Court of Canada. He is the lead person for the current Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group before the Inter American Commission on Human Rights. Robert also served and is currently serving as the Chair for the Summit Chief Negotiators which is composed of about 47 negotiating tables.

Lakota Member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre (NDP) Leah Gazan has spent her life working for human rights on the local, national, and international stage. Her recent success includes organizing and traveling across the country to push Bill C-262, the Indigenous Human Rights Act. Gazan’s focus on a grassroots style of politics has earned her comparisons to U.S. congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. These powerful women are part of a crop of young, social media-savvy politicians pushing parliament to the left.

Indigenous Lawyer Merle Alexander is a member and hereditary chief of Kitasoo Xai'xais First Nation. He practices Indigenous Resource Law empowering Nations through Title and Rights affirmation, sustainable economic development and environmental conservation.

Co-founder Jojo Mehta of the Stop Ecocide campaign in 2017, alongside barrister and legal pioneer the late Polly Higgins, to support the establishment of ecocide as a crime at the International Criminal Court. She is also the Chair of the Stop Ecocide Foundation.

November 20

Launch of Ecocide Law Finland

January 23

Green Criminology: The Case for the Crime of Ecocide