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Ecocide Law for Sustainability Professionals

Wednesday July 17th, 12:30 - 14:00 BST

As the European Parliament establishes a new environmental offence targeting crimes “comparable to ecocide”, and countries around the world begin to legislate against ecocide, the creation of a new international crime to prevent the most severe environmental harms moves a step closer. What does this mean for business and how should your business respond?

We will hear from a number of key voices on the topic of ecocide law, prior to an expert panel discussion on the implications of ecocide law for business and sustainability professionals. Jojo Mehta (CEO, Stop Ecocide International), introduces ecocide law, the legal definition and the progress being made in inter- and national law as well as at the ICC.

We will also hear from Baroness Boycott, who will discuss the parliamentary advances of the Ecocide Bill, and the growing interest of MPs and Lords to make company directors criminally responsible for substantial harm to the environment. We are also joined by Dr Ashley Buchan (Policy Officer; CIEEM), to discuss the institute’s interest in the topic of ecocide and how it might support ecology and environmental professionals in their work.

The esteemed panel of experts, Sam Bower (Head of Sustainability, Ecology, Biodiversity & Arboriculture; Balfour Beatty) and Dougal Driver (Chair of SocEnv), moderated by Georgia Elliott-Smith (Strategic Sustainability Advisor & Director, Fighting Dirty) discuss the implications for business of ecocide law, including challenges, opportunities and practical considerations for sustainability professionals.

May 22

Implementation of Ecocide Legislation on the Island of Ireland and beyond: Current Legal Framework, Challenges, and Future Directions

September 4

Earth Songs by Jehanne Mehta: Celebration Launch