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Lawscot COP26 Conference | Lawyers and climate change: leaders or followers?

Friday 29 October 2021 | 6 hours CPD | Attend online or in-person
From 9am

Prof Philippe Sands QC, co-chair of the Independent Expert Panel for the legal definition of ecocide will make closing remarks at the conference:

16:30pm BST: Closing keynote address: Ecocide - a fifth international crime?

Free to members of Law Society of Scotland, Law Society of England & Wales and Law Society of Northern Ireland

On the eve of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties 2021 (COP26) in Glasgow we will bring together lawyers from across the globe to discuss the role of the lawyer on environmental impact.

This conference will explore the extent of that influence on the decisions of their clients and ask:

  • Are you under a moral duty to influence those decision for the benefit of global environmental security?

  • How does that sit with the duty to your client?

  • What tactics can a lawyer deploy to influence positive climate change?

This event will look at the impact a trusted advisor can have on climate change across areas of law and industry. Our keynote speakers will set the challenge and tone of the day while thought leaders will use workshops throughout the day to debate and discuss a range of legal specialisms in more detail.

October 21

Tools to enforce international environmental law 3:00-4:10pm (CET)

October 29

Building Peace, Security and Justice through the Rule of Law and Global Governance