Join us to help legally safeguard the future

Thank you for your support and interest in Stop Ecocide's mission. We are at a pivotal moment in the global movement toward legally recognizing ecocide as an international crime. This movement represents more than a conversation—it's a transformative shift with the potential to protect the planet for future generations.

We are extremely agile, with an exceptional investment:impact ratio due to our combination of passionate, fearless energy, compelling narrative, organic and highly effective cross-sector collaborations, and impactful high-level diplomatic convening

We are actively seeking to expand our network of visionary aligned funding partners who share our commitment to environmental justice and a safe future for all. We believe that ecocide law is not just necessary but inevitable and represents a crucial, legacy-defining milestone in the fight to safeguard the planet. We invite partners who recognize the profound systemic change that ecocide law can bring to collaborate with us over the long term.

Join us in helping to make history. If you are ready to support this critical initiative and create a lasting and transformative legacy, we invite you to explore funding opportunities by contacting us at Together, we can protect the planet for future generations of all species, including our own.

Ecocide Law Funders Collective

You may be interested to join our growing group of longer-term funding partners who:  

  • are serious about catalysing positive systems change 

  • want to see fast progress on a legacy solution to protect life on Earth

  • are willing to measure success by real-world media, diplomatic and legislative results rather than detailed micro-reporting

  • want to engage in a bureaucracy-free, active and friendly ongoing relationship with us and other like-minded funders

With grateful thanks to all our funding partners: