August 2021 - FRANCE
Climate & Resilience Act passed, including up to 10 year sentences for "ecocide" offences (Art 231-3) and a requirement for gov't to report on progress towards international crime of ecocide (Art 296)
July 2021 - CHILE
Parliamentary resolution passed calling on the government to pursue proposing an ecocide amendment to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
June 2021 - SCOTLAND
Parliamentary motion calling on the government to welcome the work of the Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide and welcome the emergence of broad international consensus for the recognition of ecocide as a crime.
June 2021 - UK
Environment Bill - Two Amendments287: To support the negotiation of an amendment to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to establish a crime of ecocide.
293D : To support a UK crime of ecocide using the full recently launched definition.
June 2021 - BANGLADESH
Committee on the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change recommends adding a provision to the Code of Criminal Procedure or drafting a new legal framework to codify ecocide.
The EU’s newly adopted Biodiversity Strategy includes: "Encourages the EU and the Member States to promote the recognition of ecocide as an international crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)."
European Parliament’s Legal Affairs committee on the liability of companies for environmental damage urges the European Commission to “study the relevance of ecocide to EU law and EU diplomacy” (para 12).
European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs resolves to encourage “the EU and its Member States to take a bold initiative ... to pave the way within the International Criminal Court (ICC) towards new negotiations between the parties with a view to recognising ‘ecocide’ as an international crime under the Rome Statute” (para 11).
February 2021 - LUXEMBOURG
Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Environment jointly state that Luxembourg is "ready to support the recognition of ecocide in European and international law when the time comes".
January 2021 - CANADA
Official response to ecocide petition says Canada will “follow closely the discussions on ecocide at the international level”.
January 2021 - EUROPEAN UNION
ENVI (environmental) committee calls on the Commission and member states to support recognition of ecocide in international law, and on the Commission to study its relevance for EU law.
January 2021 - FINLAND
Former President of Finland (2000-2012), Tarja Halonen, publically expresses her support for an international crime of ecocide.
January 2021 - EUROPEAN UNION
Parliament votes to encourage member states to support recognition of ecocide as a crime at the ICC.
December 2020 - SPAIN
Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee presents recommendation to Spanish government to examine possibility of legislating for ecocide nationally and internationally.
December 2020 - NETHERLANDS
Party for the Animals delivers white paper on ecocide to parliament.
December 2020 - BELGIUM
Official statement made to the ICC’s Assembly of States Parties by Deputy Prime Minister / Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmès makes Belgium first European nation to raise criminalising ecocide at the International Criminal Court.
December 2020 - FINLAND
Foreign minister Pekka Haavisto delivers special message at ICC side event of support for Vanuatu & the Maldives and interest in ecocide discussion and ecocide definition drafting.
October 2020 - PORTUGAL
PAN party proposes legislating for ecocide in parliament, motion defeated but discussion is productive.
October 2020 - BELGIUM
Newly formed Belgian government pledges to “take diplomatic action to halt ecocide crime” as part of its government programme.
October 2020 - UK
Shadow Justice Minister David Lammy calls for ecocide to be criminalised in his TED Countdown talk.