UN Ocean Conference co-host Kenya announces proposal to criminalise ecocide


UN Ocean Conference, Lisbon: Mr Keriako Tobiko, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for the Environment and Forests, revealed the landmark legislation proposal as part of Kenya’s revision of their Environment Management Coordination Act, during the country’s official statement to the plenary of the conference in Portugal this week. You can watch Tobiko’s statement here (from 1:02:00 onwards).

CS Tobiko said that the legislation submitted for discussion and approval by the Kenyan parliament will "revolutionize environmental governance" and that it "contains critical principles, which include the recognition and protection of defenders of environmental rights, protection of forests and green spaces, recognition of the right to nature and, most importantly, creation of the crime of 'ecocide'".

CS Tobiko made the declaration alongside commitment to a range of measures Kenya is taking with regard to marine pollution and ocean health regeneration, including multi-stakeholder approaches to a “blue economy” as well as specific actions such as extension of an existing ban on manufacture and use of polythene bags to curb plastic pollution.

Kenya is co-hosting the UN Oceans conference this week along with Portugal.  This high-profile announcement puts Kenya in a leadership position with regard to the gathering momentum around the world to criminalise ecocide - the worst harms to our planetary home.


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