Criminal, environmental and human rights lawyer. Climate Counsel Getulio Vargas Foundation. Co-director of the Environmental and Climate Crisis Practice Group of the Global Diligence Alliance.
Environmental activist and lawyer, winner of the Goldman Prize and the CNN Hero Award. Lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the famous Chevron-Texaco case.
Lawyer defending the environment and indigenous peoples, director and founder of CIMAS (Culturas Indígenas y Medio Ambiente Sustentable) and promoter and co-director of Venezuela Sin Ecocidio.
Lawyer specialising in International Human Rights Law and expert in Indigenous Peoples and International Cooperation. Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. Member of the UN Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG).
Chief Executive, Royal Scottish geological Society
“We are a part of Nature, not separate from it, and yet we have allowed people to destroy it without consequence – often consciously.
A law of Ecocide is that consequence – until we give our planet more legal protection, we are only going to see continued destruction.”
Marine biologist, oceanographer, explorer, author, lecturer and co-founder of Mission Blue
"There is a real case to be made for recognising ecocide in the International Criminal Court right along with genocide. Our existence is on the line."
Republic of Finland: Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
“The destruction of nature is no longer a local or national problem. Ecosystems do not acknowledge borders, and nature has no nationality. That is why ecocide should be an international crime… Thank you Stop Ecocide International for your important work.”
Dutch Actress and Singer
“Ecocide is a crime and must be punished as such.
From early childhood, living in Amelisweerd, the Netherlands, I learned that asphalt wins over nature. At the time, our house had to be demolished for highway A27; I remember police units and people in trees. Only recently did I really 'wake up'. Now it is my turn to take action. Mother Earth is furious and I don't blame her. By looking away we pollute our own nest. As Jane Fonda so aptly said; 'Even dogs don't poop in their kennel'. We are intrinsically to the natural world and its magical ecosystems that have provided for us for so long. We must no longer just take. It is time to give back. We owe it to the Earth.”
Image via @valentinavos
Actor, Playwright and Theatre Director
“I believe that ecocide law is very much needed and inevitably on its way. It will be an important step towards a deep connection with Nature. It will provide the moral impetus to change 'business as usual' and lead us towards a true humble love for our home, the Earth.”
MP of Åland & Member of the Nordic Council
“Treaties without enforcement mechanisms have not proven successful. With an increasing ecological crisis, we must change the global rules. A strong international ecocide legislation has never been more needed.”
National Focal point, Antigua & Barbuda
“If the ICC recognised an international crime of ecocide then they could investigate the most severe crimes and companies would take it more seriously. All companies are concerned about reputational damage, no company wants to be known as someone who is doing irreparable damage.”
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Finland and Honorary President of WWF Finland
"I am dismayed by the destruction of nature I see around me and in the media.
We are a huge number of people who want to stop that. Ecocide must be made a crime in international law."
Co-Founder, A Plastic Planet
“For decades we have used Planet Earth as a treasure chest to plunder, destroying habitats, endangering those we share our home with and giving back nothing but pollution. It’s time mankind realised that this selfish, mindless destruction must be prevented by law. It is murder at the grandest scale. We at A Plastic Planet support this call for a new global law to prevent Ecocide. Our children will judge the actions we take today most harshly.”
Spanish politician and biochemist, Director General of UNESCO from 1987 to 1999. Doctor of Pharmacy and current President of the Fundación Cultura de Paz
"Our societies have to be able to comply with intergenerational obligations. Establishing ecocide as an international crime is essential to create the necessary legal framework to protect planetary life and safeguard the future in peace of current and future generations"
Spanish politician and biochemist, Director General of UNESCO from 1987 to 1999. Doctor of Pharmacy and current President of the Fundación Cultura de Paz
"Our societies have to be able to comply with intergenerational obligations. Establishing ecocide as an international crime is essential to create the necessary legal framework to protect planetary life and safeguard the future in peace of current and future generations"
Author, co-founder of Council of Canadians, Blue Planet Project, and Chair of Board of Food and Water
“Unlimited growth assumes unlimited resources, and this is the genesis of Ecocide. The move to commodify all of nature is the next step in its destruction. The earth is not ours to plunder. Nature has rights as surely as any that exist.”
Founder & Director, The Sustainable Angle
"The destruction of ecosystems and the environment - ecocide - MUST be enshrined as an international crime! The fact that in the 21st century we still debate whether to protect the environment as an end in itself is simply shameful!"
Concert pianist & mother
“Human beings ... are intrinsically connected to the entire web of a living universe. Nothing expresses this more powerfully than the movement which brings Ecocide alive as an internationally recognised crime.”
Peace Ambassador, Barrister, Author, Musician
"Personal harmony is the potent droplet with a rippling effect on the ocean of planetary harmony. I believe that an ecocide law will foster harmonious coexistence among humans, animals, plants and the Earth system.”
European Division
“The World Peace Prayer Society welcomes the Law of Ecocide to be recognised as a crime against peace.”
Professor, Queen's University, Gold Medalist at the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law and Jerome Lipper Award winner.
“Criminal law has often tended to turn a blind eye to “white collar” crime by wealthy elites. A crime of ecocide may help reduce such structural injustices by reframing the most rapacious acts as criminal and not commercial. Even if one believes that there should be a lot less recourse to criminal law, ecocide is among the most serious harms that deserve to be criminalized.”
"There is an urgency here and recognition of the crime of ecocide at the international level might just be the tipping point we require to elevate our collective consciousness and action toward a safer planet."
Activist, business woman, strategist
“It is clear to me that it is women globally from every culture and every economic background who are holding the love, courage and vision we need to transform our globe into a natural society of equity and harmony.
At the root of this change is Jojo Mehta and of course her collaborator the late Polly Higgins - against all odds they are starting to succeed to get global legal and institutional recognition for acts of ecocide... like my mother they are not phased by the continuous set backs and dismissals... they the warriors of our future - there is hope for us all in their fierce love of life.”
“I believe [a crime of ecocide] would change everything. It would radically shift the balance of power, forcing anyone contemplating large-scale vandalism to ask themselves: ‘Will I end up in the international criminal court for this?’ It could make the difference between a habitable and an uninhabitable planet.”
Co-Founder of Scientists For Future& Author
"The number of human victims due to environmental destruction and the advancing climate crisis is increasing more and more. That is why it is only logical to hold those responsible for ecocide liable in the same way as for war crimes."
Climate Justice Campaigner & Creative
“Globally women are on the frontlines of defending the land from exploitation and are leading climate movements to protect biodiversity from the violence of extractivism. To ensure the future of our planet an ecocide law needs to be passed urgently in order to protect the land and the women who defend it.”
Co-Founder and Director of The Hamilton Group
“I am convinced that making Ecocide a Crime against Peace will make Heads of State and those who run corporations think very carefully about authorising activities which might lead to major environmental damage.”
Founder of Greenhouse
“Making ecocide an international crime is an essential step towards tackling the global climate crisis. Given the events of the past year, and in the run-up to COP26 and beyond, an ecocide law is the key to holding corporations and governments to account for damaging our planet. The Stop Ecocide campaign plays a crucial role in driving this process forward and it has been inspiring to work alongside such a dedicated and passionate team of women.”
Executive Coach, Activist and LinkedIn influencer
"Once we have the International Crime of Ecocide, it will seem the most natural thing in the world, and we will wonder why humanity didn't do it sooner"
Human Rights Lawyer
"As a lawyer and father, I plea for laws that effectively protect our planet, our children and our future generations. Recognising the human right to a healthy environment and ecocide law at the global level, will definitely help. We only have one planet and time is running out. Ecocide will mend our criminal law system. Join us, get on board: become an Earth Protector."
Scholar, Environmental Activist, Food Sovereignty Advocate and Anti-Globalization Author. Founder of Navdanya
“The ideal of limitless growth is leading to limitless violations of the rights of the Earth and of the rights of nature. This is ecocide.”