Podcasts for the Planet is a series featuring high-profile guests and looks at key themes in ecology, ethics, law, finance and more at this unique moment of crisis and change for humanity. Produced by Dona Grace-Campbell, Stop Ecocide Canada.
Can ecocide law support business? Can recognizing ecocide provide a legal safety rail to deter and prevent the worst harms while unlocking innovation? Will it level the playing field for sustainable enterprise? Find out in this episode as we explore these ideas with business leaders.
The ocean is the source of all life on earth including humanity, and we all depend on the global services the ocean provides. Though it seems immense and immutable, the more we learn, the more we understand how dramatically our actions are changing it. In this episode we speak with two long time ocean advocates, Farah Obaidullah of Women4Oceans and Antoinette Vermilye of The Gallifrey Foundation.
In December 2022 thousands of people from around the world gathered in Montreal for COP 15, the convention on Biological Diversity. While nearly 200 governments came together to hash out a deal for nature, the voice of the global community was deafening at every step and had a major impact on the outcome. On this episode we bring you many of those voices.
Global capitalism now threatens to bring modern civilization to a grinding halt. Why is that happening and what should be done about it? In this episode we hear powerful solutions from financial economist Ralph Chami, and venture capitalist Tom Rand, working to make conservation and ecosystem protection profitable.
In this episode we speak with noted human rights lawyer Steven Donziger about the historic settlement he helped win in Ecuador against Chevron and their subsequent vicious and illegal persecution of him. Steven talks about how Ecocide Law could have helped prevent these horrific human and environmental abuses. It is a powerful and ultimately inspiring story of courage and solidarity.