Earth Protector Towns

By joining the Earth Protector Town pilot scheme, a Town Council is committed to work with the local community – including local businesses, local government bodies, educational, health and other community organisations – to protect and enhance the environment in and around the town.

In doing so, a ‘town’ is endorsing the campaign to make Ecocide a crime at an international level. The Earth Protector Town concept emanates directly from the central initiative of the Earth Protector global movement which aims to Stop Ecocide: change the law. Ecocide is the serious loss, damage or destruction of ecosystems, and includes climate and cultural damage.


There are five goals for Earth Protector Towns:
Produce a strategy and a date to achieve a carbon zero future
Practice the move from sustainable to regenerative living wherever possible
Protect and enhance eco-systems, habitats and species in and around the town
Pioneer the reduction and elimination of single use plastic
Promote awareness of climate and ecological emergencies
The Council pledges that any future investment decisions will consider the environmental practices of the institutions involved, as well as existing legal requirements on public investments.

These goals form a framework for a steering group to audit, plan and monitor the activities and projects which will help to protect and enhance the local land, wildlife, air, soil and water. The framework will launch on 22nd April (Earth Day) 2020 and will be shared for towns across the world to use.

How is this different from other Town networks and accreditation schemes?
An Earth Protector Town starts with the principle: first do no harm. It puts in place a strategic framework of ‘managed preparedness’ to act in accordance with the seriousness of the climate and ecological crisis. In addition the Council pledges to support the global movement to amend international criminal law to make Ecocide a crime.

A Council will collaborate and cooperate with local communities, businesses, and organisations to act locally and urgently in response to the current international climate and ecological emergency.

Stop Ecocide is an dynamic campaign requiring active support and global engagement to halt and prohibit current destructive industrial practices. When ecocide is criminalised, the current cycle of harm in pursuit of profit is disrupted. Our earth and life everywhere will be protected.

What can be more urgently important?

Learn more:
Become an Earth Protector.

For more on Earth Protector Towns and how to get involved please contact us at:

