Press conference at IUCN challenging rejection of stop ecocide motion

Stop Ecocide International (SEI) calls press conference at IUCN World Congress following unprecedented use of IUCN rule to challenge it's rejection of SEI motion 

Stop Ecocide International today held a press conference at the IUCN World Congress, having made unprecedented use of a IUCN rule to challenge rejection of a motion supporting an international crime of ecocide.

The motion, led by Stop Ecocide International, urged the IUCN Assembly to encourage member states which are parties to the Rome Statute to consider the new legal definition of ecocide and treat it as a springboard for serious discussion on amending the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The establishment of a crime of ecocide would support everything the IUCN does and stands for. Yet, the IUCN stated that the motion was neither new, nor urgent, thus missing a historic opportunity to place themselves on the right side of history, and to stand for the strong protection of ecosystems in law, in solidarity with future generations of all species.

Stop Ecocide International is now calling publicly on all IUCN member organisations to keep a close eye on the progress of advancing an international crime of ecocide. We know the conversation is only going to get louder.

Watch press conference highlights:

** Co-sponsors supporting this appeal ***

Born Free Foundation (Mark Jones) - UK

Both Ends (Natalie van Haren) - The Netherlands

Center for Biological Diversity (Tanya Sanerib) - USA

Center for Environmental Legal Studies, PACE University (Smita Narula) - USA

Environmental Law Program at the William S. Richardson School of Law (David Forman) - USA

ERuDeF (Louis Nkembi) - Cameroon

Gallifrey Foundation (Antoinette Vermilye) - Switzerland

Natural Resources Defense Council (Paul Todd) - USA

Synchronicity Earth (Jessica Sweidan) - UK

Sylvia Earle Alliance / DBA Mission Blue (Deb Castellana) - USA

Vereniging Milieudefensie / Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Donald Pols) - Netherlands

Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (Raheela Ahmed) - Malawi


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