A growing number of leading scientists, from a broad range of scientific disciplines all over the world, are calling on governments to make ecocide a crime within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) - to deliver a future in harmony with nature.


It is widely recognised that humanity stands at a crossroads.

There is clear scientific evidence that the emission of greenhouse gases and the destruction of ecosystems at current rates will have catastrophic consequences for our common environment. Along with political, diplomatic and economic initiatives, international law has a role to play in transforming our relationship with the natural world, shifting that relationship from one of harm to one of harmony. 

Ecocide means 'unlawful or wanton
acts committed with knowledge that
there is a substantial likelihood of
severe and either widespread or long-term
damage to the environment
being caused by those acts'

The inadequacies of current global environmental governance are widely acknowledged. National and international laws are in place to contribute to the protection of the natural systems upon which our well-being depends, yet it is apparent that such laws are inadequate and more is needed. 

The inclusion of ecocide in the Rome Statute¹ would add a new crime to international criminal law which could contribute to a change of consciousness, in support of a new direction, one that enhances the protection of the environment and supports a more collaborative and effective legal framework for our common future on a shared planet.

It offers a new and practical legal tool, one that has been developed by a team of internationally recognized legal experts².

Scientific knowledge provides a firm foundation for this amendment, and thus the scientific community can support our colleagues from legal professions in this endeavour.

We, the undersigned scientists, call on governments to collaborate internationally to make ecocide a crime within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Hague.


¹ The Rome Statute is the founding document of the International Criminal Court

² For more information, see ‘Independent Expert Panel Commentary and Core Text’. This document is the source of the legal reasons for adding ecocide to the Rome Statute. Cf. the Introduction to the document.



Endorsing scientists include:

Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland. Member of Academia Europaea since 2012, member of the sustainability think tanks the Balaton Group and the Club of Rome.

Professor of Energy and Climate Change, University of Manchester. 

PhD in experimental physics from Harvard, former co-chair of United Nations Environment Programme’s International Resource Panel (UNEP-IRP) and former Chair of the Club of Rome.

Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia. Award-winning geneticist, broadcaster, world leader in sustainable ecology, and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation.

Director of climate reporting and adaptation at the Icelandic Met Office. Former assistant professor at University of Iceland.

Researcher specialized in holistic, integrated and sustainable agriculture and food systems. Winner of the Right Livelihood Award.

Professor of Epidemiology. University of York.

Professor Doctor in Biological Sciences in CSIC (Spanish Council for Scientific Research), President of the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology and Director of the Chilean-Spanish Global Change Laboratory LINCGlobal.

Professor at Biology Department. University of La Serena of Chile and researcher at Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity (CASEB) at Catholic University of Chile.

Full Professor of Ecology Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain).

Agroecology, agroecosystem management, pollination biology and natural pest regulation.

Professor in Transport Policy and Transport planning. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Professor of Chemical Meteorology, Stockholm University.


Steffen Mischke
Professor, University of Iceland

Cecilia Emanuelsson
Professor Emeritus, Lund University

Bo Franzén
Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet

Magnuz Engardt
Associate Professor, Stockholm University

Ian Roderick
Director, The Schumacher Institute

Nina Meyerhof
President & Co-Founder, One Humanity Institute

Lara Stein
Founder TEDx, Founder Regenerative Consulting

Jeannette Eggers
PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Lina Isacs
PhD, Uppsala University

Jennifer Hinton
PhD, Lund University

Tomáš Chabada
PhD, Masaryk University

Iryna Nikolaieva
Environmental Expert, PhD, PAX

Esther Hauer
PhD, Uppsala University

Svea Jörgensen
DVM, PhD Student in Veterinary Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Studies

David Alcer
PhD Student, Lund University

Ingrid Stjernquist
Senior Researcher, Stockholm university

Marie Kvarnström
Senior Programme Officer, Swedish Biodiversity Centre at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Glenn Bark
Senior Lecturer, Luleå University of Technology

Reynir Böðvarsson
Seismologist, Uppsala University

Dr. Marie Schellens
Environmental Researcher, PAX for Peace

Dr. Maartje Oostdijk
University of Iceland

Dr. Miles Woodruff
Durham University

Dr. Paul Conville
University of Leicester

Niak Koh
Sustainability science / PhD / Dr, Stockholm University

Mark Otieno
Ph.D, University of Embu

Fernando Valladares
Professor Doctor in Biological Sciences, CSIC, Spanish Council for Scientific Research

Romina Martin
PhD, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Brynhildur Magnusdottir
M.Sc Geology, Icelandic Geological Association

Erik Huss
Postgraduate Geographer, Glaciology, Climate & Earth System Science, Husstainability AB

Göran Finnveden
Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Sarah Cornell
Associate Professor, Stockholm University

Krzysztof Jurdzinski
MSc, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mahwash Jamy
PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Ana Traveset
CSIC, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, and IMEDEA, Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies

Max Waltman
Halmstad University

Björn-Ola Linnér
Linköping University

Malin Ah-king
Stockholm University

Aubin Franck Chardin TCHIBINDA
Observatoire Congolais
des Droits de l'Homme

Olga Garcia Moreno
University of Oviedo

Sian Prior
Clean Arctic Alliance

Göran Englund
Umeå Univeristy

Myriam Prasow-Émond
Imperial College London

Richard Richardson
McGill University

Eloy Fassi Casagrande Junior
Federal University of Technology of Paraná - UTFPR - Brazil

Michael Pirson
Professor, Fordham University

Egill Einarsson
Assistant Professor, Keilir Institute of Technology

Elina Eriksson
Associate Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Stewart Wallis
Chair, Wellbeing Economy Alliance

Steven McFadden
Director, DeepAgroecology.org

Hiroo Saionji
President, Goi Peace Foundation

Margret Rueffler
PHD, MA, Dipl.AC, pppi.net

Nadia Johanisova
PhD, Masaryk University

Olle Lundberg
PhD, Uppsala University

Ester Gubi
PhD, Karolinska Institutet

Neshan Gunasekera
Raoul Wallenberg Institute

Johan Lindsjö

Anupam Saraph
Balaton Group

Maria Wolrath Söderberg
Docent, Södertörn University

Johanna Zingmark
BSc, SciCom

Guðrún Magnúsdóttir

Minna Laurell Thorslund
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Dr. Ingi Bjarnason
University of Iceland

Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale
First Conflict Resolution Services

Dr. Shahid Yamin
Sultan Qaboos Unversity, Muscat Oman

Carlotta Schäfer
Msc, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Ólafur Ingólfsson
PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Iceland

Toby Call
PhD, Cambridge University

Thomas Hahn
Associate Professor, Stockholm University

Per Ribbing
Licentiate of Technology Engineering Physics, Uppsala University

Caroline Greiser
PhD, Stockholm University

Ernesto Gianoli
Professor and researcher, Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity (CASEB), University of La Serena and Catholic University of Chile

Regína Ósk
Masters Student, University of Iceland

Vilma Havas
PhD cand., Salt Lofoten and Aalborg University

Daniel Lundin
PhD/Researcher, Stockholm University and Linnaeus University

Fredrik von Malmborg
Associate Professor in Political Science, Linköping University

Sumit Kothari
Doctoral Researcher, University College London

Renée Kolentine
University of Toronto

Maria Alejandra Martinez Barrientos
Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo

Emelie Nilsson
Linnaeus University

George Westmeijer
Linnaeus University

Robin Cooper
University of Gothenburg

Dr. Claudia Ituarte Lima
Raoul Wallenberg Institute on Human Rights & Humanitarian Law

Noely Garcia
Southern New Hampshire University

Alasdair Skelton
Stockholm University

Myriam Prasow-Émond
Imperial College London

Neus Crous-Costa
Universitat de Girona

Hope Legbara
Post Graduate Student, University of Uyo

Peter J. Stauvermann
Changwon National University, Changwon, Republic of Korea

Jane Ekstam
Professor, Østfold University College, Norway

Beth Fisher
Assistant Professor, Minnesota State University

Paul Glantz
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University

Rio de la Vista
Director, Salazar Rio Grande Del Norte Center

Hunter Lovins
President, Natural Capitalism Solutions

Isabelle Letellier
PHD, Senior Lecturer, Stockholm University

Oksana Huliaieva
PhD, Ukrhydroenergo

Karin Gerhardt
PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Lyndon DeVantier
PhD, Coral Reef Research

Alicia Landin Quiros
Msc, Stockholm Resilience Center

Bidisha Banerjee
M.Esc., The Balaton Group

Patrik Gažo
Mgr., Masaryk university

Harald Waxenecker
MA, Masaryk University

Claudiu Eduard Nedelciu
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bergen

Johanna Spångberg
Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU

Sally Ranney
Global Choices

Julia Weiss
University of Chicago

Dr. Morne Mostert
Strategic Foresight Advisor

Dr. Liesbeth Rijsdijk
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Johanna Gisladottir
Agricultural University of Iceland

Dr. Ganna Gladkykg

Sylwia Lewandowska
SWPS University / Resilience21

Stig-Olof Holm
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Umeå University

Guy Kalasi
PhD, Environmental law, University of Kinshasa

Linnea Hanell
PhD, Stockholm University

Petter Kallioinen
PhD Student, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University

Henning Rodhe
Professor Emer., Stockholm University

Adrian Escudero
Full Professor of Ecology, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Marisol Maddox
Senior Arctic Analyst, The Wilson Center

Bo Franzen
Assoc. Professor, Karolinska Institutet

Dennis Amnebrink
PhD Student, Linnaeus University

Ken Seidenman
PhD, Northwestern University

Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo
Toledo, Human Ecology

Guénola Nonet
Jönköping International Business School

Alex Hearn
Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Randall Arauz
Marine Watch International

Karolina Eriksson
Umeå University

Oscar Joel de la Barrera Benavidez
Bionovation SAPI de CV

William Mueller
Lake Michigan Bird Observatory

Noely Garcia
Southern New Hampshire University

Lisa Deutsch
Stockholm University, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Muhammed Kaya
Bremen University

Erick Githaiga
Maseno University International Relations Scholars Association