Partner event at COP26
Independent collaborative event taking place during COP26 in Glasgow.
Part 2:
Ecocide law and fashioning the future
Watch the event:
The panel of experts will demonstrate the age-old concept of a stitching discussion which has recently been adapted to a virtual experience by Fashion Revolution Scotland.
(An industry specific example of the Friday Afternoon Think-tank concept launched earlier in the evening)
The production, consumption and disposal of apparel threatens environmental and social justice on a devastatingly large scale. Can the cultural concept of ‘fashion’ be transformed? And can this industry rise creatively to the challenge of an international crime of ecocide on the horizon? How could the law be welcomed as a guardrail and guidance system for net zero apparel?
Fashion and sustainability pioneer
Sustainable Fashion Scotland
Co-Founder & Executive Director, Stop Ecocide International
Head of Public Policy & UK Country Manager at Ecosia
Fashion Revolution Scotland
Vivobarefoot Co-Founder and Chief Ecosystem Officer
The evening is split into two parts.
You can register to attend just one of the panel discussions or register for both panel events and stay for the full evening which will include an opportunity to enjoy a nip of whisky.
Discussion session one: Friday Afternoon Think-tanks: empowering everybody.
From 6.45pm until 8.30pm.Discussion session two: Ecocide law and fashioning the future.
Demonstrating an industry specific example of a ’ Friday Afternoon Think-tank’.
From 9.00pm - 10.00pm approx.
This is part 2 of a 2-panel event.
Register for part 1 here: Friday Afternoon Think-tanks: empowering everybody.
We are honoured to have collaborated with Karen Finn around the organisation of this event.
Partner organisations: