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Ecocide: a fifth crime defined (English version) - official ICC side event 7th Dec 2021

An historic event co-hosted by three of the world's most climate-vulnerable states, Vanuatu, Samoa and Bangladesh: the presentation of the legal definition of ecocide as a 5th international crime, in the context of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

In 2021, in response to political demand, an independent expert panel of top international criminal and environmental lawyers from around the world was convened by our charitable arm, the Stop Ecocide Foundation.  The panel spent six months drafting a clear, concise definition of “ecocide” as a potential fifth crime under the Rome Statute. With the new definition already gaining significant political traction, co-chairs of the panel Philippe Sands QC and Dior Fall Sow are joined by key voices from countries at the forefront of the growing movement to recognise ecocide at the International Criminal Court.

With additional diplomatic intervention from:

His Excellency William Roelants de Stappers, Ambassador of Belgium to The Hague

Co-sponsored by: Republic of Vanuatu, Independent, State of Samoa, People's Republic of Bangladesh , in association with Stop Ecocide Foundation, Institute for Environmental Security, The Hague Peace Projects. Organized by Stop Ecocide International.

November 30

[In German] Panel discussion on ecocide law: definition and implications

December 7

Ecocide: a fifth crime define