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Crime scene ecocide: from misdemeanour to capital crime against humans and the environment?

Proudly organised by Europe Calling and Stop Ecocide Germany.
The webinar will be simultaneously translated into German and English.

Environmental crimes are the third largest crime sector in the world, yet no international law currently exists to criminalise the serious destruction of the environment.

How can we prevent conservative forces from blocking the inclusion of ecocide in the EU Environmental Crime Directive?

What needs to happen for ecocide to be included in EU environmental criminal law and in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court?

What role can the criminalisation of ecocide play in protecting the biosphere and, in particular, at the upcoming COP15 in Montreal?

Experts from politics, law and NGOs will discuss these questions in this Europe Calling webinar, organised in cooperation with Stop Ecocide Germany.


  • Jojo Mehta, Co-Founder of Stop Ecocide International

  • Dr. Dana Schirwon, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

  • Prof. Hermann Ott, Managing Director, Client Earth Germany

  • Hannes Jaenicke, author, documentary filmmaker, actor and activist

November 17

Curbing crisis and enabling implementation: the role of criminal law

December 6

Global crisis and the potential of the ICC: relevance of ecocide as the fifth crime