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Paulo Busse (Brasil)

Criminal, environmental and human rights lawyer. Climate Counsel Getulio Vargas Foundation. Co-director of the Environmental and Climate Crisis Practice Group of the Global Diligence Alliance.

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Law Robin Gairdner Law Robin Gairdner

Pablo Fajardo (Ecuador)

Environmental activist and lawyer, winner of the Goldman Prize and the CNN Hero Award. Lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the famous Chevron-Texaco case.

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Law Robin Gairdner Law Robin Gairdner

Víctor Rujano Bautista (Venezuela)

Lawyer defending the environment and indigenous peoples, director and founder of CIMAS (Culturas Indígenas y Medio Ambiente Sustentable) and promoter and co-director of Venezuela Sin Ecocidio.

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Law Robin Gairdner Law Robin Gairdner

Paula Alvarado (Argentina)

Lawyer specialising in International Human Rights Law and expert in Indigenous Peoples and International Cooperation. Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. Member of the UN Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG).

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Arts and Culture, Law, NGO Sparrow Park Arts and Culture, Law, NGO Sparrow Park

Ukpeme Okon

Peace Ambassador, Barrister, Author, Musician

"Personal harmony is the potent droplet with a rippling effect on the ocean of planetary harmony. I believe that an ecocide law will foster harmonious coexistence among humans, animals, plants and the Earth system.”

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Law Sparrow Park Law Sparrow Park

Darryl Robinson

Professor, Queen's University, Gold Medalist at the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law and Jerome Lipper Award winner.

“Criminal law has often tended to turn a blind eye to “white collar” crime by wealthy elites. A crime of ecocide may help reduce such structural injustices by reframing the most rapacious acts as criminal and not commercial. Even if one believes that there should be a lot less recourse to criminal law, ecocide is among the most serious harms that deserve to be criminalized.”

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Law Sparrow Park Law Sparrow Park

Margaret Rose Goddard

"There is an urgency here and recognition of the crime of ecocide at the international level might just be the tipping point we require to elevate our collective consciousness and action toward a safer planet."

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Law Sparrow Park Law Sparrow Park

Jan van de Venis

Human Rights Lawyer

"As a lawyer and father, I plea for laws that effectively protect our planet, our children and our future generations. Recognising the human right to a healthy environment and ecocide law at the global level, will definitely help. We only have one planet and time is running out. Ecocide will mend our criminal law system. Join us, get on board: become an Earth Protector."

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Law Sparrow Park Law Sparrow Park

Michael Mansfield QC

Human Rights Lawyer

“The problem in the past is that if you hold a company responsible [for environmental destruction], who sits in the dock? Who is responsible? There are real people in the company and the object of the Ecocide act is not just aimed at companies it is aimed at individuals… individual responsibility is the only way there will be any change.”

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Law Sparrow Park Law Sparrow Park

Syeda Rizwana Hasan

Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association. Panelist, Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide, Speaking at the ICC official side event: 'Ecocide: a fifth crime defined'

'It is my earnest hope that…the ICC is equipped with the tools to end the culture of impunity enjoyed by the environmental offenders and the perpetrators of what we can now define as “Ecocide".'

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Law Sparrow Park Law Sparrow Park

Roger Cox

Lawyer and author

”The worldwide destruction of Earth’s climate and biodiversity is proof that our current legal system is failing to protect the natural ecosystems that all life depends on. We need to develop more earth centric laws that acknowledge and protect the innate rights of nature itself, such as a law on ecocide.”

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Law Sparrow Park Law Sparrow Park

Professor Philippe Sands KC

UCL/Matrix Law. Co-chair, Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide. Speaking at the ICC official side event: 'Ecocide: a fifth crime defined'

'We have a responsibility to the next generation… I’m absolutely convinced that this crime of ecocide will be adopted. The only issue is not whether, but when and in what form.'

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