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European Law Institute (ELI) - The 2021 Annual Conference and Meetings


European Law Institute (ELI) webinar on the ELI Project on Ecocide taking place on 8 September 2021, 10:30 – 11:45 (CET)

Robert Bray (former Head of Unit of the Secretariat of the Legal Affairs Committee, Project’s Co-Reporter)
Kate Mackintosh (Inaugural Executive Director of the Promise Institute for Human Rights at
UCLA School of Law
Jojo Mehta (Co-Founder of Stop Ecocide International)
Fausto Pocar (Professor Emeritus of International Law at the University of Milan, Project’s Co-Reporter)
Marie Toussaint (French environmental activist, Member of the European Parliament)

Webinar Structure
The webinar will focus on the ELI project on Ecocide and any drafts produced so far, as well as its
potential impact. Approximately 10 minutes for each Speaker. Approximately 25
minutes for questions (attendees may use the Q&A function to post questions).

The ELI Annual Conference will take place online from 6–8 September 2021. The Agenda can be accessed here and the Conference Brochure here.

The Conference will feature a series of webinars on ELI projects (both current and prospective), which span a number of areas of law, as well as welcome addresses and a keynote speech by distinguished Speakers, the ELI Young Lawyers Award, the SIG and Hub of the Year Awards, and a closing ceremony, where the Council elections results will be announced and the ELI Presidency handed over.

In addition, meetings of ELI bodies will take place between 31 August and 15 September 2021.

ELI Members received registration details for weinars and meetings over email.

For further information about the Annual Conference, please do not hesitate to contact the ELI Secretariat.

September 5

Ecocide: An international crime, along with war crimes and crimes against humanity?

September 9

European Environmental Law Forum Annual Conference 2021