50 years on, let’s send a loud call for ecocide law to leaders at Stockholm+50


50 years ago, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme used the word ‘ecocide’ to refer to severe destruction of the environment. During the first UN Environment Conference in 1972, he called for ‘urgent international attention’ to such large-scale environmental destruction. It was the first time the term ‘ecocide’ had been used on the world’s diplomatic stage.

Since then, the climate and biodiversity crises have deepened, mass destruction of nature has increased, and frontline communities and land defenders have been under growing threat.  But in the last few years, diplomats, politicians, lawyers, corporate leaders, NGOs, indigenous and faith groups, influencers, academic experts, grassroots campaigns and individuals have joined forces to grow a strong and diverse movement calling for ecocide law. Ecocide has now been discussed at parliamentary or government level in 20+ countries.

In 2022, at the Stockholm+50 conference, we will honour Palme’s legacy and push for real action to ensure a livable future for the next 50 years - and beyond. 

We must urge our leaders to support the recognition of a new international crime of ecocide

Without this binding legal framework, “business as usual” will continue to harm ecosystems, people and future generations, and it will threaten peace and security. We must stand strong behind a demand for this crucial international law to protect our home, the Earth, and its peoples.


What are we asking for?

Click here to download this graphic and more.

Stockholm+50 will articulate a path to healthy pandemic recovery and address the climate crisis, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. and address the climate crisis, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste.

We demand state representatives at Stockholm+50 support ecocide law in their official recommendations for onward UN discussions.

To help make this happen, we want to create a wide and loud movement to get ecocide law high on the agenda.

The more people and organisations will demand ecocide law, the more leaders will see it’s a fundamental framework for deterring severe environmental harm and drive positive action among businesses and governments.

Whether you are an individual, an organisation, an NGO, a business, a climate activist, you can support and spread the word about ecocide law.


Here are 3 easy ways you can do that:

1. Make some noise on social media
Urge your leaders at Stockholm+50 to declare their support for ecocide law using the #StopEcocide and #Stockholm50 hashtags. Here are some graphics that you can use. 

2. Sign and share the international petition
Call on governments to declare support for making ecocide an international crime.

3. Learn more about ecocide law: 
Learn about the global movement to #StopEcocide and take action.

Thank you for your support!